Jumat, 26 November 2010


It is my first time I write on my blog :)
many things happened this day... Thanks God It's Friday.. aha..ha..ha..
This morning I woke up late, at 6.30 a.m .. The first think in my mind was "brangkat kuliah ga ya?" since I have a class at 7 a.m. I need 2 minutes to decide "ayo! kuliah!"
at class I was so sleepy, you know! It discussed about International Business Marketing, so complicated for me.. hu..hu..hu..hu.. I loved when the lecturer talked about her experience, but not about the materials.
After the class I had a discussion *curcol... with my mate, Icha.. :D
*skip aja ya.. males nyritain ceritanya :p

at noon, I had a discussion AGAIN with Rurit and Plenjik at Mi Ayam Kalicacing.. cerita sambil kepedesan.. disini paling enak ngejekin si Rurit.. hahahaha
Habis makan, I had to go to school to full fill my responsibility to teach English Club.. tapi begitu sampe sana.. we lha dalah.. ternyata semua sudah pada pulang.. guru nya lupa kasih tau kalo mreka pulang awal..
huaaaaa... kumaha sih? --"
finally, saya sama icha nangkring deh di posnet, wasting our time.. :)
di Posnet aku sempat chatting sama kekasih nan jauh di sana.. hahha.. *lumayan!

at evening,, I went to de'Vancouver with my best friends, those are Rurit, Plenyik, and Gamblis.
seperti biasa, setiap kita kumpul, sesi curhat, sesi hina-hinaan, sesi ceramah, sesi kotbah kluar semua.. hahahahha....
tapi malam ini ada kabar duka.. ibu teman saya meninggal..
deep condolence for him. :(

Thank you for reading :)
God Bless

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